Fall Family Activities

Are you looking for things to do this Fall? Try one of these!

Fall is my favourite season, and I’m always looking for fun and easy things to do with my kids — so I thought I would share a few of my favourite Fall family activities, leaf activities and things to do this Fall!

The best part is — it doesn't have to cost a thing! You just have to get out there and enjoy the best of Fall.


As a child growing up in Canada with four distinct seasons, I always felt that Canadians celebrate the seasons well. If you think about it, each season is only three months — which means you have to make the most of it while it’s here because before you know it, it’s gone.


  1. LEAF PILE — it’s amazing how piling up the biggest leaf pile you can make with all the leaves from your front lawn or backyard can bring you and your kids so much joy! The best part is it’s like a double win because you end up raking all your leaves in the process.

  2. FAMILY FARM — I talk a lot about visiting your local family farm because I truly believe it’s one of the all-around best family activities you can do — and nowadays, family farms are better than ever with things to do like apple picking, corn mazes, wagon rides, bakeries and more. You can find my favourite family farms to visit here.

  3. HOMEBAKING — nothing says Fall like a little homebaking, and there’s nothing better than enjoying it fresh out of the oven on one of those cold days. Check out a bunch of ideas for things to bake with your family here and my favourite pumpkin treats here.

  4. LEAF CRAFTS — when I raked the other day, the first thing I did was put aside a bag of leafs just for leaf crafts — and you should too. Not only are the colours stunning but there’s so much you can do with them, and it’s all free. Try making magical forest wands.

  5. NATURE WALK — sometimes the best remedy for everything (and Fall family activity) is putting on a sweater and heading on a nature walk. We have several hidden paths near us (and I’m sure you do too) that are nestled under trees. Walking through them with your family is one of the best things to do in the Fall.

  6. NATURE DRIVE — on those days when you feel lazy or, on the flip side, adventurous, taking a drive through the countryside or up into the mountains to see the leaves can be picturesque. Make sure you bring a hot chocolate and homebaked treat with you.

  7. RAKING — this may not sound exciting, but when you rake with your family it makes clearing all those leaves fun. In fact, this might be (as boring as it seems) one of my favourite Fall family activities and leaf activities. You get fresh air and a good workout too!

  8. WAGON RIDE — in the last month, we have been on so many wagon rides that I actually wrote a blog post on the best wagon rides and family farms to visit. The cool thing about wagon rides is that they have become such a popular attraction, farms have made them really amazing — and you’ll get anything from spooky to slow and relaxing.

  9. LOCAL BAKERY — sometimes hitting your local bakery on those lazy Sunday afternoons is the best Fall family activity. In my experience, bakeries have a special Fall menu that they put out filled with all sorts of pumpkin and apple treats. It’s definitely worth a visit.

  10. HOT APPLE CIDER — the next time you are at the farmer’s market or grocery store, pick up a jug of apple cider. Then bring it home, warm it up on the stove and serve it in mugs. It’s the best Fall treat!

Fall is all about being in nature, being cozy and being around the people you love. It’s about colours, warm rays of sunshine, staying close to home and enjoying a little chill in the air.

The best Fall things don’t have to cost a thing! You can keep it simple by enjoying all my favrourite Fall family activities, leaf activities and things to do this Fall.

What’s your favourite thing to do in the Fall? I’d love to know. Tell me below.