Wagon Rides

The best thing we ever did was buy a wagon for our kids. It’s honestly the best thing for kids. Just toss everything in (including your kids 😜) and go! It’s that easy.

On this particular day, Chet and I hit the town looking for trouble and boy did we find it 🤣

One thing led to another and we decided to make a music video. It was so much fun.

Try this with your kids and see what they come up with!

  1. Tell your kids you’re making a music video

  2. Let them pick a song they know and like to sing

  3. Press record and see what they do!

You’ll have so much fun, and it will be a fun keepsake to look back on.

Would you try this with your kids? I’d love to know. Tell me in the comments below 👇🏻

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